I am none the wiser. I think my outfit is the absolute preppy-est outfit I have ever worn, and send this photo to a few friends who agree - it is in fact the preppy-est ensemble they have ever seen. This pleases me because later, Michael and I are going out with Dr. and Mrs. Larmoyeux for a bite to eat in Jacksonville (which means I will fit right in).
Unbeknownst to me, I am completely throwing a wrench in Michael's plans. You see, Friday is a work day and I am working (Stacy and Leslie, if you see this please know that the 5 day work week isn't to Michael's liking. Conversely, I absolutely adore it). For my non-lawyer friends and family: an estimated 20 minutes of work is never just 20 minutes of work. Of course, I tell Michael I need another 20 minutes before we can leave to lunch 3 times before I actually mean it. At this point I have made the Larmoyeux household frantic.
I am finally out the door (albeit with my laptop), and we are on our way to lunch! That's fantastic because at this point I am crawling towards hanger. Dr. and Mrs. Larmoyeux can no longer make it out with us because "the painters are running late." Very sneaky!
On our way, we listen to my favorite radio station in Jacksonville, Y2Kntry (and Josh Turner who is indisputably a national treasure). While we are nearing our lunch spot, Michael asks if I'd like to stop by Boneyard Beach because it is nearby and he has never been. Of course I want to see the beach (in retrospect, saying "no" would have really ruined everything). Lucky Michael.
We can all agree, Michael is looking pretty dapper for a walk to the beach and a casual lunch with me. This is not out of character, so no alarms are sounded in my mind. I do however post this photo to my Instagram story titling the photo "Office or Beach," because I enjoy ribbing Michael occasionally.
Because there must always be a hike. The beach is not as close to the parking lot as one might think. Oh no, it is a mile walk. I am worried I will impale myself on the way.
Michael has brought his GoPro along for the ride. He (allegedly) bought it for our upcoming Ireland trip and "wants to get the hang of it." Michael loves his new tech, and I think it's a great idea to figure out working the GoPro on such a low stakes day. Still no alarms.
Maybe that one? (It was not that one).
We have finally found the perfect tree to stop and take a picture. Michael begins setting up the GoPro on a tripod while I get him to stop and take a selfie. After some back and forth, we are ready for our picture. Michael has left the GoPro recording a video "because we will get more pictures that way." I think that's a great and completely innocent idea.
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! After taking me to the beach in business casual attire, setting up a tripod to record a video, and telling me how much he loves me, Michael does the unpredictable and proposes! I am left completely speechless (a rarity). I get to marry the love of my life and absolute best friend. This is the perfect time to make-out instead of immediately saying yes.
Easiest decision I will ever make in my life.